Education and Training

BEAM-SD is dedicated to offering ongoing professional development and continuing education for primary care providers and school-based professionals across the state of South Dakota. Education and training will be offered through the ECHO® (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) platform. The ECHO® platform will be used to increase knowledge, competence, and confidence in professionals supporting behavioral and mental health care for children and adolescents and their families. ECHO® includes learning and sharing best practices, mentorship through case-based learning, and professional discussions to support knowledge in practice.

Providers and professionals are able to earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits and Continuing Education (CEU) credits by attending these training sessions.

New! AAP New Trauma-Informed Care Course

This FREE course aims to enhance skills to identify and respond to child traumatic stress and includes videos from national trauma-informed care experts, which discuss specific guidance and case studies related to trauma-informed care. This 3-hour asynchronous course offers 3 CME and 3 MOC Part 2 credits and includes practical tools to identify and respond to trauma by age groups. This course builds upon the “Trauma-Informed Care and Resilience Promotion” PediaLink course and covers the following topic areas: 

  • Relational Health Care 
  • The Care Process Model for Pediatric Traumatic Stress 
  • Trauma-Informed Psychotropic Prescribing 
  • Implementing Trauma-informed Care with Infants and Young Children   
  • Implementing Trauma-informed Care with School-Aged Children and Adolescents   
  • Addressing Disrupted Caregiving  

Register at the American Academy of Pediatrics website.

Upcoming opportunity through the University of South Dakota Center for Disabilities: “South Dakota Disability Cultural Responsiveness ECHO Series” Beginning August 21st.

Register by utilizing the QR code or with the following link:

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